Alemany Art Show - A Collaborative Effort

Every spring, the Alemany Art Department collaborates their efforts to create the annual art show. In conjunction with the spring musical, the Art Show is intended to display everything that the Art Department does as a whole. The show takes place in Alemany's Alumni Hall and is open to people coming in to admire the work of dedicated students.

One impressive feat achieved by the Art Department is being able to set up all of the art over just a single day. There are about 700 works of art that are present in the art show, including around 100 from ceramics, and 250 from each additional art class. These works of art range from drawings of self portraits and abstract paintings inspired by music to more complex works such as ceramic shakers and oversized sculptures. Resulting from heavy involvement in the art program, the art show flaunts the combined artwork of freshmen, who take as a required elective, to juniors and seniors, who choose art as a creative break from their busy schedules. Regardless of their reasons for being in the class, the art show displays students' art beginning with their very first day of creation.

One improvement to this year's show compared to the previous years lie in the multitude of talented advanced art students.The overall goal of the art show is to reveal all of the creative talent that Alemany's students have to offer.

Viewing hours are Wednesday (4/9) and Thursday (4/10) from 2-5pm.

Article: Jack Pedrick (Advanced Technology)
Photo: Daniel Clark