Bishop Alemany Honor Guard » Bishop Alemany's PRAYER WARRIORS! -Taking a stand for Jesus by kneeling...

Bishop Alemany's PRAYER WARRIORS! -Taking a stand for Jesus by kneeling...

Time:  Each Tuesday during Nutrition   Location:  Our Lady of the Angels Chapel, Bishop Alemany High School campus   Mission:  To offer prayers of faith, hope, and love for our whole school community by fasting from visiting with friends and from taking food on prayer days.  We pray in common once weekly traditional prayers of Holy Mother Church and we pray individually in reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus each First Friday during Adoration for our school's intentions.    Application process:  Open to any student, faculty, or staff member.  Students who wish to become full members and Adorers with the right to wear the HG polo and the responsibility to fast, sacrifice, and leave class officially for First Firday Adoration must first successfully complete an application process of a semester schedule, an application, two spiritual references, and complete a six week probationary period with no unexcused absences or tardies, as well as complete a personal interview in which the BAHS Honor Guard Moderator and Councillors discern membership to the Guard to help students fully participate to the best of their ability.  No commitment is binding during the six week probationary period and students who wish to remain junior members may do so.    Dress Code:  Uniform long pant for all chapel activities and Adoration and for full members:  any polo or hoodie with our insignia on Tues and for First Friday   Expectations:  All members (junior/adjunct and Adorers) will dress to code, be prompt to chapel for common prayer, be allowed one unexcused absence during each semester, attend all mandatory meetings and retreats for the Guard, alert the Moderator for conflicts with other official school activities (field trips...) so as to not be considered, "unexcused", come with an open and willing heart to offer sacrifice for our school community.  Sacrifice, by definition, costs something to the individual and Our Lord will refine the Guard in individual ways and collectively -- this is an important aspect to understand and accept.  The Moderator and Concillors are present and available to help you.