2022-2023 COVID-19 Safety Protocols
Bishop Alemany High School COVID-19 2022-2023 Protocols
Bishop Alemany High School is pleased to welcome all students back to campus for the 2022-2023 school year. This webpage contains important information and protocols that will help to provide consistent and continued safety for in-person learning. The health and well-being of every student and employee remains the school's top priority. It is incumbent on all members of the Bishop Alemany community to work together to follow all policies and procedures to maximize the safety of the entire Warrior family. Thank you for your cooperation and diligence in this process!
Campus Protocols:
Students Coming to Campus Must:
- never arrive on campus sick even if symptoms are mild.
- be conscientious of physical distancing.
- wash or sanitize hands frequently.
- face masks may be required for certain larger indoor gatherings.
Students Must Stay Home If:
- they feel sick, and should contact their primary care physician.
- they test positive for COVID-19.
- they meet LACDPH guidelines for quarantine/isolation.
- have a temperature greater than 100 degrees F.
- they have experienced cold or flu-like symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath, or other respiratory problems).
Parents Must:
- notify the Front Office if their student or a household member develops any COVID-19 symptoms or tests positive for COVID-19.
- retrieve their student promptly from the Front Office or Classroom E9 (Isolation Room) if they become ill while on campus.
The school’s cleaning crew will sanitize school spaces before and after school. Classrooms will be cleaned and disinfected every day after hours and disinfectant wipes will be available in every classroom to allow for the sanitizing of desks and other surfaces between each class. In addition to classrooms, cleaning will include restrooms, break rooms, front office, counseling center, chapel and fieldhouse. The school owns and utilizes a high-powered disinfectant mister / fogger that will be used throughout the school for a deeper cleaning and other times as necessitated by circumstances. Each classroom will be stocked with EPA-approved disinfectant wipes and the school will maintain an adequate supply of PPE, soap, hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, towels, tissues, etc.
Classroom E9 has been reconfigured for use as an infirmary / isolation room. The room is equipped with an HVAC filtration system. Any student who exhibits symptoms will be directed to E9 and will await pick up from parents. N95 masks are provided for any employees who assist students in the isolation room. There is a building exit immediately adjacent to E9 that students will utilize to avoid travel through the building upon their departure.
- If students, faculty, or staff become sick during the school day, they must immediately go to the Front Office. Anyone displaying symptoms of COVID-19 will then be placed in the isolation room until they are picked up and must contact their primary care physician for guidance on how to proceed, and whether to have a COVID-19 test administered.
- Students displaying one or more COVID-19 symptoms will be required to isolate at home and notify the Front Office of their primary care provider’s plan of treatment.
- Students with a negative test result may return to school with a note from their primary care provider classifying their illness as being unrelated to COVID-19. Students must also be fever free for 24 hours without aid of fever-reducing medication.
- Students with a positive COVID-19 test result may not return to campus until at least 5 days have passed since their symptoms first appeared, their symptoms have improved, they have been fever free for 24 hours without the aid of fever-reducing medication, and they can provide a negative COVID-19 test. The COVID-19 test must be taken on day 6 or after. If a negative COVID-19 test cannot be provided, the student must quarantine for a full 10 days before returning to school.
- Students and their parents will be notified of potential exposure to classmates or teachers who have tested positive, or are presumed positive, for COVID-19. The primary emergency contacts listed in Aeries will be notified via email and voice message.
All students, faculty and staff must stay home if exhibiting any signs of illness. Any student, faculty or staff must stay home if they test positive with COVID-19 for minimum of 5 days. Any student, faculty or staff who lives with someone with COVID-19 is strongly recommended to stay home and quarantine for 5 days. Any student, faculty or staff member who is actively in quarantine or isolation must remain at home. If symptoms arise during the school day, the individual will be sent to the Isolation room (Classroom E9) and sent home promptly. Students, faculty and staff may return to school following a fever or any COVID-19 symptoms if they are fever-free without fever reducing medications for 24 hours AND symptoms have improved AND 5 to 10 days since symptoms began. Any person who was COVID-19 positive must either quarantine for a full 10 days or provide a negative COVID-19 test after the 5th day of quarantine.
For any questions, clarification, if a student exhibits symptoms or has tested for COVID-19, please call or email the Front Office at (818) 365-3925 / [email protected] as soon as possible.
Face masks can be a critical safety measure to help slow the spread of COVID-19. Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to wear multi-layered face masks while indoors. This recommendation also extends to families, visitors, and vendors on campus. Every classroom will have a supply of extra face masks. Additionally, the front office, the counseling office, and the guard gate will have extra face masks for anyone who comes to campus. Face shields may be worn during instructional time, as needed. If using a face mask, students, faculty, and staff are instructed to wash face masks daily.
Tips for correct mask wearing:
- Wash hands before putting on face mask.
- Proper face masks should include multiple layers of tightly woven, breathable fabric.
- Cover nose and mouth and secure it under chin. It should fit snuggly against side of face.
- Make sure one can breathe easily.
- Bandanas, scarves, gaiters, and face shields are not considered equivalent replacements for masks.
Any person who is not employed by the school or enrolled in the school will be considered a visitor. All visitors are encouraged to wear a mask and check in at the Front Office. Visitors should exit campus immediately following completion of their intended purpose.
In the event that there are necessary changes to school schedule or cancellation of school due to a COVID outbreak or related occurrence, the community will be notified by phone and email via the Blackboard alert system. The information will also be posted as a pop-up alert on the homepage of Bishop Alemany’s website.
"COVID-19, the ensuing pandemic, and the isolation that we’ve all endured for the past year have served to remind us of the truly important values that we at Alemany hold dear — faith, morality, service, and community. As we reopen school, we are committed to honoring God, each other, and ourselves through the practice of those core values while striving for the excellence that Bishop Alemany High School represents."

Alexis Arnold-Cox