National Honors Society and California Scholarship Federation
The National Honor Society (NHS) is an organization that gives students national recognition and is one of the highest honors that can be awarded to a high school student. Members are eligible based on scholarship (3.5+ Academic Weighted GPA), exemplary character, and proven leadership and service. To become a lifetime member (Seal bearer) students must have qualified for four consecutive semesters from their Spring of 10th to Fall of 12th grade years of high school. At graduation, lifetime members receive a special gold seal on their diploma, cord or a gold stole to be worn at the ceremony.
The California Scholarship Federation (CSF) is an organization that gives California high schools students recognition based on high standards of service, scholarship, and citizenship. CSF encourages service to the school and community while fostering pride in scholastic achievement (3.50+ Academic Weighted GPA). To become a lifetime member (Seal bearer) students must have qualified for four consecutive semesters from their Spring of 10th to Fall of 12th grade years of high school. At graduation, lifetime members receive a special gold seal on their diploma, cord or a gold stole to be worn at the ceremony.
If your child is eligible for membership for either organization, they will be invited to join the NHS and CSF class on Canvas.
For any questions about either organization, please feel free to reach out to Mrs. Parker.