Campus Ministries
Student Ministries and Organizations
at the Bishop Alemany Campus Ministry Center
M.O.M (Mind Over Matter) - This ministry is aimed to help students use their faith as a tool when dealing with mental health issues. With the intercession of St.Dymphna the patron saint of mental disorders we want to create a safe place for students to grow in faith and community.
After School on Mondays in L1
Warriors For Life – promotes activities that support pro-life causes, working to insure that all human life is respected.
Meeting Lunch Break Tuesdays in L1
C.R.S. (Catholic Relief Services) - raises awareness and support for the poor and victims of natural disasters
Meeting After School Wednesdays
Pax Christi – connects Bishop Alemany to other high school and college Campus Ministry Centers in regards to social justice concerns [for example: poverty, racism, war, imprisonment, human trafficking].
- Lunch Break Tuesdays in H1
Restore- Our ministry is for those who are struggling with their relationship with religion. With this ministry we are hoping to help strengthen people’s relationship with God and give them a place where they can be open about themselves.
- After School -Tuesdays in L1
L.A.M.B.S. (Liturgical Atmosphere Ministry Bunch Students)- Coordinates the preparation of the setting for our liturgies.
- Lunch Meeting Tuesday in L3
S.A.D.D. (Students Against Destructive Decisions) – promotes awareness of healthy, life-affirming options for teens.
- Join Tuesdays in L7
Ushers – Coordinates ushers for all school Masses and prayer services.
- Lunch Breaks on Tuesdays before Mass
Prayer Warriors – The goal of this ministry is to offer prayer opportunities to the Alemany school community to grow in their relationship with Christ. Prayer Warriors offers different praying methods and experiences for students such as the Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, and Eucharistic Adoration.
- After School on Thursdays in the Chapel
G.L.A.D. (Guiding Leaders As Disciples) – This ministry calls others to join together to improve school morale as we spread positivity across the campus. Our goal is to form a group of future leaders to guide others in
spreading kindness as we dive into scripture and join together to form bonds and strengthen other’s relationship with God.
- Join Thursdays after school in L1
Eucharistic Ministers – Coordinates Eucharistic Ministers for all school Masses.
- After school on Wednesdays in the Chapel
He-Brews – fThis ministry is focused on the Hebrew Word and how God uses these Hebrew words to
encapsulate the many messages in the Bible that He desires to send to us.
encapsulate the many messages in the Bible that He desires to send to us.
- After school on Tuesdays in L3
Lectors Ministry – Coordinates and trains lectors to proclaim the word of God at Mass.
- After school on Wednesdays in the Chapel